Monday, February 05, 2007

Milo is Gonna Die? Maybe?

The latest news from reports (WARNING: Spoiler Alert):

Start the Milo DeathWatch on "24," because Eric Balfour has signed on for a lead role in the CBS pilot "Protect and Serve."
Read the full article.

That blows, Milo was a cool part of the first season and is one of the better parts of the current season. It must be some kind of testament that he's considered strong enough to be a lead role. So how will he die? Will Chloe glare him to death? Will Nadia become the terrorist that she really wants to be and kill him? Or will Jack go crazy from hunger and eat everyone?

That could make for some goo-oo-ood TV.


Anonymous said...

Had to laugh out loud when you suggested death by cannibalism. Thanks :)

He might not necessarily get killed, as the link itself says:

"Plenty of actors have, of course, left "24" to do other shows without being killed off, so Balfour's addition to the "Protect and Serve" need not be seen as a sign of his character's demise, but we're watching anyway."

Have you seen the Bauer map?

Anonymous said...

Milo's the mole o' the day. CTU's employee screening is awful.